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Why is finding a property to rent in London so difficult?

London is one of the most popular cities in the world, and with its high demand for rental properties comes a tight market. If you are in the market for a rental at the moment you might be feeling exhausted and frustrated. This is totally understandable and don't worry it's not just you. In this article we will give you some of the reasons of why this chaos is happening. So, lets get into it.

High demand

London has a population of over 8 million people, and with a growing population, the demand for rental properties is high. Right after the pandemic, people started to move back into the big city to continue their work or get back to school. It has been over a year now, but we are still seeing the pandemic's impact on the rental market. This means that there are more people looking for a place to rent than there are properties available.

Limited supply

London is a densely populated city, and there is a limited amount of space available for new properties to be built. In addition to this, due to the high mortgage rates, people who were thinking about buying their first home are now stuck in the rental market waiting for better days. Furthermore, high taxes and high maintenance costs has driven a lot of landlords to exit the rental market and sell their property. All these reasons have let to a shortage of properties available to rent.

High cost of living

London is one of the most expensive cities in the world, and rental prices reflect this. According to SpareRoom, the average rent for a room in London for Q4 2022 £935 pcm - up 22% year on year from an average of £768 in 2021 (Source). Many people are priced out of the rental market, which further drives up demand.

Strict regulations

London has strict regulations on property rentals, including minimum energy efficiency standards and fire safety requirements. This can make it difficult for landlords to rent out their properties, and can also lead to higher costs for renters.


With so many people looking for a place to rent in London, competition for properties can be fierce. Renters may find themselves competing against multiple other prospective tenants for the same property.

Overall, finding a property to rent in London can be a difficult task, but it's not impossible and things are looking promising. Prices are starting to decline and this can only mean good news! By understanding the reasons why the market is tight, renters can better prepare themselves for the search, and increase their chances of finding a suitable place to live.

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